Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Take one

Are you concerned about people that snore heavily,and wish to help
them ?Should this be the case I feel that I have something that will
help.The cost is nothing but a self addressed envelope that will be
returned with the solution enclosed

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Council Draft1

16th May 2007

Dear Mr ??,

I assume you are aware of the need for safety in the Work Place.

During 1998 Monash University Accident Research Centre and myself researched the hazard of the protruding towbar tongues, in and through out the Work Place and to find a solution to this age old problem.

As you are the person responsible for council safety and are well aware of liability the council now face, we have a functional, effective and proven method to towbar safety, I have enclosed a BarGuard – Towbar Injury Prevention Unit order form.

The BarGuard is a cost affective Australian made invention, made from high density closed cell rubber that minimises the risk of injury and adheres to state and national recommendations.

There are an ever increasing number of council workplaces using our towbar guards, including:
Hume City Council (Victoria), City of Darebin (Victoria) and Singleton Council (NSW).

Yours Sincerely,

Bob Dunn
Managing Director
To help with our survey, could you please tell us how many vehicles in your fleet have towbars?

Eliminate the towbar risk, fit a BarGuard safety disc.

Friday, April 13, 2007


An old fashioned idea was to REMOVE the towbar tongue now logic tells to protect it instead